Документы / Пути снижения младенческой смертности: российский опыт, статья в международном журнале UN SPECIAL

Тема(ы): Акушерство и гинекология; Анестезиология-реаниматология, неотложная помощь; Педиатрия и неонатология;

Прикрепленная ссылка: https://www.unspecial.org/2014/03/пути-снижения-младенческой-смертнос/

В рамках российской программы реализации Мускокской инициативы по охране здоровья матерей, новорожденных и детей в возрасте до 5 лет в симуляционно-тренинговом центре ФГБУ “Научный центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии имени академика В.И. Кулакова” в 2012 и 2013 году проводились международные обучающие семинары, в рамках которых за 2 года проведено 27 международных научно-практических обучающих семинаров по специальностям "неонатология", "акушерство-гинекология", "анестезиология и реаниматология", в которых приняло участие 270 врачей из стран с высоким уровнем младенческой смертности. 


The Russian Federation - which managed to reduce its infant mortality rate threefold over the past several years - is now fully determined to make its contribution to the implementation of the Muskoka Initiative, adopted at the G8 Summit conducted in Canada in June 2010. Within this initiative a series of postgraduate trainings as well as workshops for the neonatologists, obstetric-gynecologists, and intensive unite therapists have been conducted in the Russian Federation, mainly in the Simulation Training Center (STC) established in the Federal State Budget Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Ministry of Health. The aforementioned activities have been supported financially by the Government of the Russian Federation. The main function of the STC besides education, is promotion through an evidence-based platform the use of simulation training technology to improve quality of care in  neonatology, obstetrics, and intensive unites. Evaluation of the 2-year training and knowledge-sharing activities targeted at health care providers from Asia, Africa, Latin America and CIS countries (270 specialists) proved its feasibility and effectiveness and thereby contributed to the efforts aimed at improving health outcomes related to infant, child and women’s health in the countries involved in the project.

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