ROSOMED-2013, Second Convention of Russian Society of Simulation Education in Medicine
Moscow, September 26-27, 2013

Second Congress of Russian Society of Simulation Education in Medicine ROSOMED-2013 took place in Moscow:
September 25, 2013 - Pre-Conference
September 26-27, 2013 - Main Program
Submission of abstracts has began on February 1, 2013
As well as last year, abstracts are submitted only via Internet using online instant publication form. Abstracts received before August 10th, 2013 and approved by the organizing committee will be included in a printed broсhure of the Congress. Please note that for technical reasons we can not guarantee the publication of abstracts received after August 10th, 2013.
You can find
abstracts that have already been received by the Second Congress here.
- National Medical Chamber (NMC)
- Committee on CME of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
- Sechenov First Moscow State
Medical University
- Association of medical societies on quality (ASMOQ)
- Russian Society of Simulation Education in Medicine (ROSOMED)
With the participation of Association for Medical Education in Europe AMEE
Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine
Pre-Conference Program
One day before the official opening of the Conference and the Congress ROSOMED-2013 (on September 25th, 2013) there were a series of lectures and work-shops that took place in the Virtual Clinic of the Sechenov First MSMU.
List of events:
- Welcome Coffee
- A tour of the Virtual Clinic of the Sechenov First MSMU
- Hugh Grantham, Australia. Seminar "Simulation training in treatment of emergency conditions"
- Manuela Gueldner, Mainz, Germany. Seminar "Simulation training in respiratory therapy"
- Lunch
- Patrick Seustrand, Gothenburg, Sweden. Work-shop "Team training on virtual simulation complex of the 7th level of realism"
- Kai Kranz, Nottwil, Switzerland. Lecture "Simulation of the pre-hospital emergency assistance"
Duration: from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Along with the above mentioned lectures and work-shops there was a one-day long training "Essentials of Simulation" led by Amanda Wilford, UK.
All work-shops are conducted in English with translation in Russian.
Participation fee in a series of 4 work-shops/lectures is 15.000 rubles. The cost of participation in the seminar "Essentials of Simulation" is 15.000 rubles. A tour around Virtual Clinic of the Sechenov First MSMU is free (appointment is needed).
PLEASE NOTE: The number of participants for the lectures and work-shops is limited. Registration is needed for all of the above mentioned events. Please submit your registration request to the e-mail:
Main Program ROSOMED-2013
The main program of the Second Regional Conference and Congress ROSOMED-2013 was on September 26-27th, 2013 at International Exhibition Center “InfoSpace”. Preliminary list of suggested topics for discussion at the congress:
- All-Russia attestation-simulation system
- Organization, management and efficient operation of simulation centers
- Simulation training in specific medical specialties
- Improving quality of healthcare through introduction of simulation technology
- Simulation training for instructors
- Electronic technology and eLearning in medical education and healthcare
- Development and implementation of electronic library
- Knowledge and skills assessment with simulation technology
During the congress ROSOMED-2013 there were an exposition of simulation equipment and other products for medical training.
Registration and participation in ROSOMED-2013
Due to limited number of places in plenary sessions and workshops participation in ROSOMED-2013 is only available by preliminary registration. Registration deadline is September 10th, 2013.
The cost of participation (registration fee):
- Speakers and guest lecturers - free
- ROSOMED members - 7,000 rubles
- Other participants - 9,000 rubles
The registration fee includes:
- payment for participation in the conference
- payment for participation in work-shops
- meals for both days
- gala dinner buffet
- participant`s printed materials:
- The event program
- Brochure of abstracts of the Conference and Congress ROSOMED-2013
- Journal "Virtual Technologies in Medical Education"
- Journal "Medical education and university science"
- Journal "Medical education and professional development"
Onllive Registration is
over. On-site registration is
only possible, the on-site registration fee is 15.000 rubles, paid in cash.
Venue of the Congress ROSOMED-2013 and the International Conference "Innovative educational technologies in medicine" is
The International Exhibition Center "InfoSpace"
Address: 119034, Moscow, 1 Zachatievskiy lane, 4
Directions to Kropotkinskaya, Park Kultury, district Ostozhenka
Historic center of Moscow, 1 km. from the Kremlin, 300 meters from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
The official travel partner of the conference is LLC "Svoi TT". Special rates for Moscow hotels are offered to the conference participants for the Conference duration. To take advantage of the deals or if you have any questions, please, contact Elena Lvova via e-mail or via phone +7(495) 517-10-36, 98-98-014, 98-98-013 (ext. 291). Please, provide the details regarding the conference and your personal information (full name, passport number, dates of stay, contact information). |

About Previous Convention,

International conference
“Innovative educational technologies in medicine” took place in Moscow on September 27-28th, 2012. As an
important though independent part of the Conference the
1st Convention of Russian Society of Simulation in
Medicine – ROSOMED-2012 was organized.
Over 572 specialists out of 17 countries participated in
the Conference (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarussia, Moldova, Great Britain, Germany,
Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, USA,
Canada, Brazil, Japan, South Korea).
If you have any questions on the participation in the conference
or exhibition please contact organizers via contact form
ROSOMED [rossomed] - All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society for
Simulation Education in Medicine". ROSOMED assist to implement simulation
technology to medical education and practice in order to train the skills,
certify proficiency, perform scientific and industrial researches, test medical
equipment. With No Risk for Patient. |
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