 ROSOMED [rossomed] - All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society for
Simulation Education in Medicine". ROSOMED assist to implement simulation
technology to medical education and practice in order to train the skills,
certify proficiency, perform scientific and industrial researches, test medical
equipment. With No Risk for Patient.
Society was founded at the Founding Convention 25
February 2012. Its Charter and the
protocols of its 43 regional affiliates have been later registered in the
Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation. The Society was registered and
Registration Certificate was issued on 6 of June
2012. See bellow the History of ROSOMED
foundation and the List of Affiliates on the date of registration in details.
Governing body
The current Executive Committee was elected at the ROSOMED
Founding Convention February 2012:
- President, Academician, Professor, Dr. Valery Kubishkin
- Head of the Board,
Professor, Dr. Andrey Svistunov
- Head of the Presidium,
Dr. Maxim Gorshkov
- Executive Director,
Dr. Alexander Kolysh
Presidium of the Russian Society for
Simulation Education in Medicine (in ABC order):
- Maxim Gorshkov, M.D., Director and Editor in
Charge of the Journal "Virtual Technologies in Medicine" (printed in Russian
- Alexander Kolysh,
M.D., CEO of Intermedica Ltd.;
- Prof. Yulia Pakhomova, M.D., Director of the
Training Center for High Medical Technologies, Novosibirsk
Medical University;
- Prof. Andrey Svistunov, M.D.,
vice-chancellor of the First Moscow Medical Unviersity Sechenov;
- Prof. Sergey Smerdin, M.D., Director of Phthysiopulmonology Institute,
International Contacts of ROSOMED:
- Zalim Balkizov, M.D., CEO Geotar Ltd., ASMOQ, Moscow
Control Committee of the Russian Society for
Simulation Education in Medicine (in ABC order):
- Anatoly Verevkin, M.D. Director, Virtumed Ltd.;
- Edward Chernyshov, M.D., Medical Director, Altamedcia Ltd.
Please feel free to CONTACT US |
Russian Society for Simulation Education in Medicine announces
ROSOMED-2013, Second Convention of the Society for Simulation
Education in Russia
Moscow, 26-27 September 2013
We will appreciate your
participation, please save the date.
Please see details at the ROSOMED-2013 official web-page
Domestic healthcare education system has been using
phantoms, training models, low fidelity mannequins for
many years by now. And it didn’t take long for the
Hi-Fidelity simulators to meet Russian educators as they
were first presented to the world healthcare society.
For example, in 2002 a virtual laparoscopic simulator
was demonstrated at the conference of Russian
endosurgical society, just one year after it was first
exhibited at the German Society of Surgeons conference.
Popularity of simulation–based learning techniques has
been ever growing since then, bringing along the need
for closer collaboration between the healthcare
educational facilities, universities and medical centers
for the purpose of sharing experiences, solving current
issues and developing uniform requirements to
simulation-based learning processes. Local conferences
were organized here and there by universities,
healthcare education establishments and medical care
non-governmental organizations to treat existing
problems. However, quite a few major issues remained
unsolved. Comprehensive approach to education exploiting
virtual reality became an obvious solution to the
Eventually an initiative has been taken by proactive members
of the Society to create an all-Russia nongovernmental
organization to serve the purposes of simulation-based
education. “Russian Society for Simulation Education in
Medicine” (Russian abbreviation ROSOMED [rossomed]),
was established at the Foundation Congress on February 25, 2012.
Founders of Russian Society for Simulation Education in Medicine
(in ABC order):
- Maxim D. Gorshkov
- Alexander L. Kolysh
- Ararat M. Mkrtumyan
- Julia V. Pakhomova
- Andrey A. Svistunov
- Eduard V. Tchernyshov
- Anatoliy E. Verevkin
- Russian League in Medicine (presented by Sergey V.
Smerdin, Coordination Council chairman)
At the conference some of the organizational issues were
solved, governing body was elected, regional affiliates
were set up (below please see the list of regional
Following the conference, ROSOMED bylaws and protocols
for establishment of 43 regional affiliates were
submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation. On the basis of the documentation submitted
Minyust, the Ministry of Justice issued to Russian Society for
Simulation Education in Medicine a registration
Certificate dated June 6, 2012.
List of ROSOMED Regional Affiliates as registered by
(in ABC order according to Russian alphabet):
1. Altay Territory affiliate
2. Astrakhan Region affiliate
3. Bashkiria Republic affiliate
4. Belgorod Region affiliate
5. Buryatia Republic affiliate
6. Vladimir Region affiliate
7. Volgograd Region affiliate
8. Voronezh Region affiliate
9. Ivanovo Region affiliate
10. Irkutsk Region affiliate
11. Kabardino-Balkaria Republic affiliate
12. Kaluga Region affiliate
13. Karachoevo-Tcherkessia Republic affiliate
14. Kemerovo Region affiliate
15. Kirov Region affiliate
16. Krasnoyarsk Territory affiliate
17. Kursk Region affiliate
18. Moscow affiliate
19. Nizhniy Novgorod Region affiliate
20. Novosibirsk Region affiliate
21. Omsk Region affiliate
22. Orlovsk Region affiliate
23. Penza Region affiliate
24. Perm Region affiliate
25. Primorie Territory affiliate
26. Mordovia republic affiliate
27. Rostov Region affiliate
28. Ryazan’ Region affiliate
29. Samara Region affiliate
30. Saint-Petersburg affiliate
31. Sverdlovsk Region affiliate
32. Smolensk Region affiliate
33. Stavropol’ Territory affiliate
34. Tatarstan Republic affiliate
35. Tomsk Region affiliate
36. Tula Region affiliate
37. Tiumen’ Region affiliate
38. Udmurtia Republic affiliate
39. Khabarovsk Territory affiliate
40. Khanty-Mansiisk Territory affiliate
41. Tchelyabinsk Region affiliate
42. Yamalo-Nenetsk Territory affiliate
43. Yaroslavl’ Region affiliate
If you have any questions on the participation in the conference
or exhibition please contact organizers via CONTACT